books on self motivation

10 Amazing books on self-motivation

Self-motivation is something that many people struggle with, especially when they try to lose weight. Self-motivation is the key to success because it will drive you and make sure you stick with your goals.

books on self motivation

Below are 10 books on self-motivation that will have a profound impact on your life if you read them. The books are listed in no particular order and all of them have reviews online so you can read about them before purchasing for yourself.

1. How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

The best selling book on self-motivation and the #1 self-help book ever. This book will help you to employ your natural gifts and talents in ways that you can use to inspire people to work with you and get things done. If you are not a natural giver of yourself, this book is for you.

I have personally read this book twice and often refer back to my notes and book summaries as well. The main thing that I took from this book was that you should be a happy person. If you are not happy, then you will naturally not inspire others to get things done for you, whether it be for a job or social interactions. This is the one book that I would argue needs to be on your bookshelf to read over and over again because if you want to succeed in life and make friends and influence people, this is the book for it.

Favourite action from the book: Be a friend, not a foe. Be a gadfly, not an alarmist. Be an optimist, never a pessimist. Think of your friends as co-workers, and treat them accordingly.

2. The Seven Habits Of Highly Successful People by Steven Covey

This is one of the greatest books on self-motivation ever written and it is my personal favourite book on self-motivation that I have read so far. This book alone has had an incredible impact on me and how I live my life. This book is also the second best-selling nonfiction book of all time, only beaten by the previous book on this list. The real gems from this book can be found in principles 3 – 7 of the 7 habits.

You will find that this book is relatively short and easy to read, although it is not very lighthearted. This is one of those books that will open your eyes to the mentality of success and you will see that you can achieve success in your life if you focus on the habits. I am only about halfway through this book so naturally, I do not have a review for you on this book yet, but when I do I will make sure to update everyone.

Favourite action from the book: Be proactive and be impeccable with your actions.

3. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

This book is very simple to read and has four agreements that you need to follow in order to be successful in life. The four agreements are:

  1. Be impeccable with your word.
  2. Don’t take anything personally.
  3. Always do your best.
  4. Make good on your promises.

The whole point of this book is to get you to live your life by the four agreements so that you can be happy and successful in life. This book really hits home because it tells you to be truthful and nice to yourself. You cannot be happy in life if you do not live your life by these agreements and have a solid foundation upon which to stand in life.

Favourite action from the book: Be impeccable with your word.

4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book is over a century old and was written in 1936, although it is still relevant today as of 2016. This book teaches you that you can be successful if you work hard enough at it and work towards positive thinking at the same time.

The best thing about this book is that it tells you how to think positively which really allows you to make connections between positive thinking and success in life. This is a must-read book on self-motivation because it will teach you how to think and why it is so important to do so if you want to succeed in your life.

Favourite action from the book: Always think positive, especially if things are going poorly.

5. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

This is one of the most powerful books on self-motivation that I have ever read and has had a profound impact on my life today. This book teaches you that you need to have positive and negative thinking in your life in order to allow yourself to see all of the possibilities in front of you.

This book will tell you that if you hold yourself back and think negatively, then nothing will ever go your way in life. This is one of those books that will really help you to shape your perception on things so that you can become a more positive person.

Favourite action from the book: Look for the good, not the bad.

6. Believe And Achieve by Dr. Wayne Dyer

This is a very short book with a lot of powerful information in it that will help you to learn how to think and feel in order to be successful in life. This book teaches you about the power of thoughts and feelings and what your power truly is, as well as teaching you to be optimistic and positive on a regular basis.

This book also teaches you that you should perceive yourself as successful in every situation and it will help you to be able to go out and put your positive thinking into action. This is a very short book that really helps you to make connections between success and thinking for yourself because it will tell you how to put those positive thoughts into action.

Favourite action from the book: Always believe in yourself, the more people talk about someone, the less they believe in them.

7. The Power of Positive Thinking with Norman Vincent Peale

This is another important book on self-motivation that will teach you how to train your mind so that you can think positively and achieve success in your life. This is another very short book that will tell you to be positive in every moment and how to live your life by the positive philosophy. This is a fairly light-hearted book that will teach you how to do this in a very practical way so that you can start to see the great life you can live in today.

This book is also good for those who are negative thinkers because it will teach you how to see yourself as successful and feel positive about yourself without being delusional. This is another must-read book if you want to be successful in your life and go out and try some of the advice that Peale gives in this book.

Favourite action from the book: Believe that you can do it and act as if it is already true.

8. The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

This is a very good book on self-motivation and positivity as Shawn Achor teaches you that it is possible to be happy in life, even if things are not going your way. This book will teach you about how positive thinking impacts those around you, even those that you do not know or interact with regularly.

The best thing about this book is that it teaches you that happiness can make your work easier, help you to be more creative and improve your relationships with people. This book will also teach you that being happy does not mean that something bad has to happen in order for you to be happy. Overall, I would highly recommend this book because it will help you get past all of the negative things in your life and focus on the positive instead.

Favourite action from the book: Be more present in your life.

9. The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson and Les Hewitt

This is a book on self-motivation that will teach you all of the ways that you can be focused in your day to day life. This is another short book that will teach you how to be focused on living your life by creating a vision for yourself and then setting goals on how you are going to achieve that goal.

This book will teach you that you are going to be able to achieve so much more if you are focused on one thing at a time. This is a fantastic read for those who are chaotic thinkers because it will teach you how to focus your thoughts on things that matter in the long-term, not just short-term things.

Favourite action from the book: Have a strong no-nonsense plan for everything and everyone.

10. The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

This is a classic book on self-motivation and positive thinking that will teach you all of the ways in which to change your life for the better. This book is a must-read for everyone because it teaches you about the power of thoughts and how you can use them in order to achieve success.

This book will teach you that so much of what happens in your life is not caused by what happens outside of yourself, but rather caused by how you are thinking about those things. The better that you are able to train your mind to think positively, the easier it will be for you to handle anything that comes your way in life.

Favourite action from the book: Believe that things can get better and they will get better if you believe so.

The Wrap

These are the 10 books that helped me most in my journey of self-motivation and self-improvement. I hope they will help you as well. For more advice and inspiration read my personal blog posts on consciousness here. If you are looking for a good book to read, I would recommend The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It’s a quick read but it will change your life.

How many books did you read on self-motivation and self-improvement? Were any of them helpful to you? Let me know in the comments and if I have missed any that you would recommend let me know in the comments section below.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. If you liked it, share it on social media or leave a comment below. Until next time, stay positive my friends!

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