Tough Times Don’t Last Tough People Do – Robert H. Schuller- Book Summary

Tough Times Don’t Last Tough People Do – Robert H. Schuller- Book Summary

Tough times don’t last tough people do is a self-help book by Robert H. Schuller. The book inspires the reader to take control over their life, know themselves and stay true to themselves in difficult times. The author, Reverend Robert H. Schuller, makes the difference between being “tough” and being “strong” clear. He quotes a…

Ray Dalio Principles Book Summary  – Top 10 things I learned
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Ray Dalio Principles Book Summary – Top 10 things I learned

Principles by Ray Dalio is one of those books that changes your life. Well, that’s how it felt to me. This book has taught me so much and I thought I would share the top 10 things that impacted me or my life most. Principles is a book that aims to help anyone learn how…

Atomic Habit Quotes – Be inspired to change with James Clear
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Atomic Habit Quotes – Be inspired to change with James Clear

Atomic Habit Quotes from the book written by James Clear is one of the best-selling books on the space of personal development and self-improvement. If you’ve ever wanted to make time for your goals, this book will help you achieve your goals in the long term. It’s based on the idea that it takes 3…

12 Lessons I learned from Factfulness by Hans Rosling (Book Summary)

12 Lessons I learned from Factfulness by Hans Rosling (Book Summary)

Hans Rosling, a doctor and professor of global health, reveals some astounding facts in his new book. He has been working for more than 30 years in the field of international development. In Factfulness, he asks that we begin to look at our world realistically instead of from an idealistic perspective. Based on his personal…