Change your words or change your mindset: What comes first?
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Change your words or change your mindset: What comes first?

For many people, change starts with changing the words you use. But for others, it’s about changing the mindset that certain kinds of language are speaking to them. It is a long-standing joke that many people like to tell that all you need to change your life is a new word in your lexicon. Such…

How to foster a growth mindset culture in your company [20 Tactics for your toolkit]

How to foster a growth mindset culture in your company [20 Tactics for your toolkit]

Companies with a strong growth mindset in their DNA are more likely to foster an atmosphere that is productive and pleasant for their employees, which in turn helps those employees flourish and produces positive results for the firm. This is all going to start with leadership that follows a trust and inspire model of leadership….

How goal setting works with a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset

How goal setting works with a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset

Setting the correct goals for both your business and your personal life is one of the most effective methods to bring about change. In this piece, I’ll demonstrate how to develop a growth mindset and how to set goals that are sensible, challenging, and within your reach. Goal setting while maintaining a growth mindset: you…

13 Amazing Developmental Growth Mindset Activities
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13 Amazing Developmental Growth Mindset Activities

Developing a growth mindset can sometimes be tough if you have been living with a fixed mindset. As the saying goes “A fish is the last to discover the water”, so is the same with discovering you have been living with the wrong mindset! The growth mindset is important to adopt in your personal development…

10 Reasons a Growth Mindset Is Key to Success in Athletes
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10 Reasons a Growth Mindset Is Key to Success in Athletes

A growth mindset and its benefits are often cited in popular psychology and business literature. But what does that mean for athletes? Contrary to the belief that some people are born with a natural advantage, success starts with the understanding that anyone can improve and grow. This post will detail 10 reasons why a growth…