10 Reasons a Private Life is a Happy Life [Life Privacy Tips Inside]

10 Reasons a Private Life is a Happy Life [Life Privacy Tips Inside]

Oversharing on social media platforms has taught us many things, but if there’s one thing it’s taught us, it’s that a happy life is a private life. Are we all on the same page? If not, let’s discuss this a little deeper. My very strong view is that a person’s private life ought to be…

What is slow living? (Guide to slowing down for a better life)

What is slow living? (Guide to slowing down for a better life)

A popular trend today is slow living. But its main points emphasize cutting back on consumption and living more slowly. Breathe magazine is piled high at grocery store checkouts, demonstrating how widely slow living is accepted. The popularity of Marie Kondo’s tidying up has led to an increase in donations to charity shops. Numerous apps…