Life comes at you fast

Life comes at you fast – what does it mean and how you can use it

What does the phrase ‘life comes at you fast’ mean? This sentence can be used to refer to a lot of different things. But if you’re not sure, let me tell you what it can mean. For one thing, it may refer to life in general—things are happening right now or will happen soon and they come at us from out of nowhere. This can be something good or something bad, but what it means depends on the context.

Life comes at you fast

It may also refer to how quickly things can change for the worse. For example, if you’re in a relationship and you’re happy, then life comes at you fast because your partner leaves you unexpectedly—things change all of the sudden. Whatever it means, this expression doesn’t have an exact meaning; it just refers to how things happen fast.

It doesn’t always have to be a negative thing, though. It can also mean something good, but it just happens fast. For example, if you’re in a relationship and your partner proposes to you, then life comes at you fast. This is good because life changing things can happen when you’re not expecting them. So, to summarize, the phrase ‘life comes at you fast’ is used when something happens quickly and unexpectedly. This can be a good or a bad thing depending on the situation.

How to use this knowledge

Let’s say that you want to tell someone how fast things can happen. You can say, “Life comes at you fast,” and it will be a good way to get your point across. This can be a good way to say, “I’ve been in this relationship for a year and a half, but tonight my partner proposed! WOW!”

Secondly, this expression can be used to show how quickly things can change. For example, if someone says they met someone you know but aren’t too familiar with, you could tell them that the new person is the person who will take over your position at work. This is an example of life becoming fast.

Related vocabulary

Although it’s not a direct word for word translation, there is a similar phrase that means something similar: “frogs jumping into the well.” In other words, this expression can also be used when someone’s life changes all of the sudden. For example, it could be used when someone gets married, has kids, and buys a house in less than a year.

Extra knowledge

Life coming at you fast can also refer to death. This is because life comes at us fast and sometimes we don’t realize we’re going to die until that moment. Let’s say that someone is walking along and they step on a landmine. All of the sudden their body is torn up from the explosion and they die.

People who don’t live in the US may not know this phrase. They may think you mean that life comes at us all of the sudden, but it’s actually death coming at us fast. This is because fast means “speedy” and death could be a person or even a loved one. In fact, if you live in an area with a high crime rate, you may have heard this phrase used before. It’s used whenever someone gets robbed or when someone’s loved one gets robbed.

If you live in an area where crimes are common, you may hear people say this expression at the end of a sentence to imply that a crime has just happened. One example that could be used is if someone says, “I went to the ATM to check my bank account and before I knew it, some guy was at the other side of the ATM trying to rob me!” The person uses this expression to express how fast things can happen. This can either be good or bad depending on the outcome. In this situation, the crime happened quickly, so it’s bad. But if the robber got away and no one was hurt, then it could be good because things happened quickly.

Lastly, it may be used in comparison to a situation. For example, you might be having issues with your boyfriend, and your friend tells you that things will get better because they always do. Her friend has been through a similar scenario with her boyfriend, and when she told her friend that things will get better—it did! So this is why life comes at you fast because things can always change for the better.

Confusing sentence:

This expression is used when something happens quickly and unexpectedly. Regardless of the context, it is generally a good thing. But when we’re in a relationship, life can change quickly and unexpectedly. The same is true with your job and your family. If you’re living at home and you’re a college student, your parents will suddenly decide to move out of the house and take out all of their savings to put towards their new house. If you’re in a relationship and things are going great, your girlfriend might suddenly tell you that she can’t be with you anymore because her life comes at her fast and she needs to move on. This is bad because life can change quickly.

It only refers to how fast things can happen. To summarize: Life comes at you fast – this phrase means something is happening quickly [or unexpectedly] and it has good or bad consequences.

Related words

Let’s turn our attention to the other expression that’s used with this idea—’frog in a well’. This is a similar phrase, but it doesn’t really mean the same thing. Instead of life coming at you fast, it means that your life is so bad that there’s no way out. For example, it could be used when the person is on a date and her boyfriend shows up and she can’t believe he’s there. Her life comes at her fast and it’s bad because she’s stuck with her boyfriend.

Secondly, this expression can be used when someone is stressed. For example, if your test scores come out and you didn’t do good, you could tell yourself that life comes at you fast and this is a good thing because it means that you’re going to have to work harder.

Lastly, it is also used to express anger and frustration. For example, if you’re going to school and someone cuts in front of you when you’re trying to walk to the stairs, you could tell yourself that life comes at you fast. This is an example of life coming at you fast because no one should cut in front of you.

It only refers to something happening quickly. To summarize: Frog in a well – this phrase means that your life is so bad that there’s no way out.

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