How to Become a Mindset Coach? (Certification and Career Development)
The world of mindset coaching has grown substantially in recent years, and you can’t throw a rock without hitting a number of different coaches claiming to have the secrets to success. But not all of them are necessarily qualified for the job. Before you dive headfirst into the world of getting a mindset coach certification with little-to-no pedigree, take some time to learn more about how to become a mindset coach from the ground up.

What is a mindset coach?
A mindset coach is someone who helps you find the right combination of thoughts, activities and behaviors so that you can become more fulfilled and happy. All coaches must have a foundation of knowledge about how people think; what makes them tick; and what motivates them. They should also take the time to understand the strength of their own skills, as well as those of their clients.
The core tasks of a mindset coach are:
1. Understanding people and framing a successful program
The coach maintains an ongoing dialogue with clientele, formulates a plan of action and monitors progress. The coach also uses the right words, at the right time, in a manner that is both encouraging and supportive.
2. Monitoring the progress of the client and evaluating results through ongoing analysis
Mindset coaches need to know where their clients are at any given time, as well as how effectively they’re using their effort to make progress towards their goals. The coach evaluates their clients’ progress and determines ways to improve the program, with the goal of helping them produce greater results.
3. Continual learning and self-improvement
Mindset coaches must continuously learn more about the subject they’re working with. The coach should have a plan in place to learn and improve their skills, under the guidance of a mentor or group of experts. Mindset coaches who are constantly improving themselves have greater potential for success, as they’re able to provide more beneficial services to their clients.
These are the outline of the typical tasks of a mindset coach. In the end, it is up to you, as an individual, to decide if you feel comfortable with these tasks. Some people may be more comfortable taking on only very specific parts of this process while others may feel more compelled to do it all.
What’s the difference between a mindset coach and a life coach?
Life coaches help people make lifestyle adjustments and changes in their lives. Their main goal is to develop a long-term relationship with the client, and they encourage self-awareness and growth. They work with you on understanding yourself, your values and goals, as well as your strengths, weaknesses, fears and needs.
Mindset coaches are more like mental performance coaches; they help people improve their mindset so that they can reach their goals more effectively. Think of a mindset coach of someone who helps you understand what mindset skillsets are required to reach your goals, and how you can get them.
Mindset coaches have their degrees in their relevant subject areas, as well as a great deal of hands-on experience. They understand the internal and external factors that affect our mindsets, as well as how to modify them for long-term betterment. They work with you on understanding what mindset is required to achieve your goals and help you learn how to develop those skills.
How to become a mindset coach?
The reality is that anyone can call themselves a mindset coach. It’s as simple as finding a course online, buying some certificates and calling yourself qualified. The question is: does that make you qualified?
While this short guide doesn’t guarantee that you’ll actually become a properly certified mindset coach –although it will give you an idea of what it takes to qualify– the truth is there isn’t much else you can do besides studying the subject and practising your craft.
Here are the steps we would recommend on becoming a mindset coach:
1. Understand if mindset coaching is for you
There’s a big difference between understanding what mindset coaching is, and actually committing to the lifestyle. If you don’t have a genuine interest in the subject, as well as self-confidence in your skills, it will be difficult for you to help others improve their mindset.
Here are some questions you should ask yourself:
- Do you understand the difference between mindset and success?
- Are you interested in living a more fulfilled life?
- Have you taken the time to learn about this difficult topic in-depth?
- Do you feel comfortable taking on coaching clients, or only with close friends or family members?
- Do you think of yourself as a coach at heart and not just pretending to help people out?
There are plenty of ways to practice being a professional mindset coach without having certification.
2. Find a coach/mentor to help you self-evaluate your own skills
Coaches who are already in a field of expertise have a much better idea of what it takes to become one. When looking for someone to mentor you, make sure they are experienced and qualified in the area that you want. If they don’t have certification or previous experience, it’s probably best not to work with them. A good mentor will help you achieve your goals by providing guidance and insight on the industry.
3. Become certified in the field
This is a relatively straightforward process. There are standards set out by different bodies, so once you’ve met those requirements you are qualified. Mindset coaches can go to these courses to get certified themselves.
4. Find mentors or schools that will teach you about mindset coaching
There are many schools and programs that will help you establish yourself as a savvy coach in the industry. They’ll teach you the basics of how to start out as a mindset coach, as well as how to go about finding clients.
5. Start applying for some jobs and get your name out there
Finding a job may be difficult in the beginning, but once you have a handful of clients, it’ll be much easier for you to get referrals. Don’t be afraid to ask your mentor or someone else who is in the industry for some help either; they may know people who are looking for mind performance coaches.

What are the best mindset coaching certifications
All certifications are not created equal so we have put together a list of Mindset Coach Certifications. Choose an option below to see how they differ.
1. Mindset Coach Certification: The Go-To Course for the Mindset Field
This certification is just as good as the first one. It covers all of the same topics and information, but it does so in a way that’s slightly more difficult to understand. Of course, this could be because it’s two different instructors teaching about the same subject. It covers everything from mindset coaching to success coaching, performance coaching and sales coaching. There is also useful information on building a business and marketing yourself as a coach.
- Timely and relevant material
- Consistency in the course materials
- Well presented content, great videos
- Sometimes the instructors speak very fast and it can be hard to understand them at times. This happens mainly because there is so much information being presented and they want to get through it quickly.
- Some people may feel that the information is too general.
Why we think this is a good mindset coach certification:
It is great for someone who is new to the mindset field. They will learn about the different types of coaching, as well as how to build expert knowledge for future growth in their line of work.
2. Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPC) Certification
The CPC certification is part of the Co-Active coaching institute, which has been around since 2004. It was developed by John Whitmore, who created the organization after leaving his corporate job to study coaching and development courses. The institution is known for being an innovative center that seeks to make a positive impact in the field of mental performance coaching, as well as organizational development and development skills.
- Well structured and well-organized courses
- Knowledgeable content
- Accessible content that is easy to follow along with
- There is no fee for getting certified
Why we think this is a good mindset coach certification:
It is a great way for someone to start their career in the field of mindset coaching. The CPC certification will teach you not only what it takes to become certified in the field, but also how to find qualified mentors and ancillary skills you may need as a coach. This can be useful in finding employment, which could come from your coach clients depending on what type of business you decide on
3. REBT Mindset Life Coach Certification – UDEMY
This course will give you an inside look at how you can apply Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) to your clients to help them overcome their psychological barriers and negative thought patterns. You’ll also learn about how REBT fits in terms of mindset coaching, as well as the benefits of using this tool.
- Well-structured and organized course
- Useful information that is easy to implement into your practice
- There are no tests or assignments to do during the course, which might be good for some learners but not others.
Why we think this is a good mindset coach certification:
This certification is good for coach students who want to get certified in REBT therapy, as well as detailed information about how REBT can help people to work through their mental issues and improve their performance.
4. Mindset Coach Academy
Mindset Coach Academy is a global community designed to promote the growth of mental performance coaches. The organization is made up of certified coaches who are focused on providing high-quality training for coaches, as well as sharing insights and connections with other professionals in the field.
- Provides a community of like-minded professionals with similar goals
- Solid training on how to become a mindset coach, as well as information on practice management.
- It is not free, although the fee is pretty low.
- There are no tests or homework assignments to do during the coursework.
- This program isn’t accredited and it’s not clear if they’re accredited at this point in time.
Why we think this is a good mindset coach certification:
This is a great program for someone who wants to learn about the mindset industry, as well as how to manage a mindset coaching practice.
5. Coaches Training Institute (CTI)
The Coaches Training Institute was formed by Ex-NFL coach John DeFilippo in 2009, who now serves as CEO of the organization. The courses offered by this organization offer coaches the opportunity to become accredited, as well as being able to receive a license. The organization has facilitated over 30,000 educational hours, while providing in-depth instruction that has helped over 5,800 coaches.
- Detailed and easy to follow course content
- The ability to take the course on your own time, as well as from any location
- This is a great option for coaches who want to get licensed while earning their certification.
- The coursework is not free; there is a fee of $1,500 for it. Of course, this may be worth it depending on how much you’ll be making from coaching clients.
- You won’t get a certificate at the end of the course.
Why we think is a good mindset coach certification:
This is a great learning resource for coaches who want to become certified, as well as learn from other coaches in the field. It is even possible to take some of these courses online.
6. Career Coaching Certification Online Course – UDEMY
This course will take you through many of the tools needed to start a career in coaching, including how to market your skills and how to deliver your services. It will also give you instruction on what you need to know about the legal and ethical requirements of being a coach. This course will help you see the potential that coaching could be for your life, as well as your professional development.
- Well-structured and easy to learn
- Plenty of resources that are all free
- You can save the coursework and come back to it anytime you want, as well as refer back to it later
- This is not an accredited course, which could be a deal breaker for some learners. However, the fact that it is free and online means that this isn’t such a big deal.
- It does not include any tests or assignments during the class.
Why we think is a good mindset coach certification:
This is a great way to learn about how to get started in the field of coaching. It even includes information about what you should do after you graduate with your certification. This is beneficial for beginners, as well as more experienced coaches who want to brush up on their skills.
7. Certified Coach Institute (CCI)
The Certified Coach Institute teaches its students how to understand how individuals perform on a daily basis, as well as how they perceive themselves and other people. The training is designed to help coaches cultivate new insights into helping others become more productive and successful in their lives.
- Well-organized course that is easy to follow
- Provides a wealth of information about coaching
- You’ll learn how to effectively communicate with your clients in a way that is helpful for them
- There are no exams or assignments during the coursework. This can be good or bad depending on what you want out of your learning experience.
- The fees associated with this course are quite high, especially when compared to some of the other options such as the Mindset Coach Academy.
Why we think is a good mindset coach certification:
This is a great option for those who want to become certified in coaching, as well as learn from other coaches and mentors who are also working in the field. This could be a great place to network with other coaches if you want to start your own practice.

How to find mindset coaching clients
So you’ve gotten certified to be a mindset coach, and now you’re wondering about how to get yourself some clients. Being a mindset coach requires marketing your knowledge in order to reel in clients. In the beginning, you might not have any clients at all; so being prepared will help you avoid feeling like a failure if you don’t see results immediately. Here are some tips for finding mindset coaching clients:
1. Use Social Media
Being active on social media is often one of the best ways to find potential mindset coaching clients. Use social media to share your thoughts, as well as the content that you’re learning from others. Write about what you know on social media, as well as think about how it could come in handy for others.
2. Have a great website
Make sure that your website is easy to use, as well as professional enough for potential clients. A great website can make customers feel more comfortable with you, as well as start conversations with potential clients. Think about what your ideal mindset coaching client looks like, and what they can gain from working with you. Your website should serve as a place where these people will want to start conversations with you.
3. Work on marketing
Your marketing efforts will help your practice expand. Work on a marketing plan that helps you learn more about clients’ needs, as well as how to accommodate their needs. If you have enough experience in the field of mindset coaching, you’ll probably do alright without training; but if you’re still new to the field, then it is best to have a coach who can help you figure out how to market effectively and build your business.
4. Reach out to other coaches
If you find yourself struggling to find mindset coaching clients, try reaching out to other coaches in the field. You can collaborate with them and work together on getting your name out there as a great mindset coach. Collaboration is a great way to build connections in the field of coaching.
5. Break down goals into actionable steps
It is important not only to know what you want to accomplish but also how you will do it. Break down your goals into actionable steps that you can take, as well as reflect on these steps to see if they are helping you with your business.
6. Build a strong client base
Your client base will be the backbone of your coaching practice. You will want to maintain a solid client base, as well as keep looking for more mindset coaching clients to add to your repertoire.
7. Don’t take things personally
One of the biggest struggles that coaches have to face is the feeling that they aren’t accomplishing enough. However, this doesn’t mean you’ve failed; it just means that you need to work harder to get where you want to go. Don’t let yourself get discouraged by the challenges you may face; instead, try looking at all of your accomplishments, as well as how far you have come from where you were in the past.
8. Build an epic email list
If you are struggling to find mindset coaching clients, one of the best things that you can do is to create an email list. This will not only help you receive a lot of content, but it will also give you a place to reach out to potential customers in the future.
9. Invest in yourself
If you want your mindset coaching business to succeed, then spending money on yourself will prove to be worthwhile in the long run. Consider investing in yourself, which may include classes, training courses, and books. After you’ve gained enough experience in the field of coaching, you’ll be able to create a lucrative mindset coaching business for yourself.
10. Don’t get discouraged
If you’re struggling to find mindset coaching clients, don’t get discouraged. You will meet defeat when you are working toward success; but as long as your goals are aligned with your values, then you can take things one step at a time.
FAQ about becoming a Mindset Coach and Mindset coach certification
How much does a mindset coach make?
The average mindset coach salary is somewhere in the $40,000 range. Depending on the type of clients you have, as well as your own experience, you could make much more than that.
Like any profession, there are scales of mediocre, good and excellent. It’s up to you which you think you can be but all of us have something we’re good at.
It’s a lot about respect and how much you love what you’re doing….but it’s hard to hold down a job to make money if your customer base is not huge.
It’s all about finding your perfect fit. Similarly, mind coach certification is not going to earn you millions in each year but will earn you enough to survive and continue being a part of the industry.
Q. Is it difficult to become a mindset coach?
Mindset coaching certifications for coaches are part of an on-going process. In order to become certified, you will need to go through a series of different modules and courses. This will not only help improve your practices and other learning skills, but it will also help you expand your knowledge in the field of mindset coaching. However, if you’re looking for a quick fix, then certification may not be the right choice for you.
Q. What do mindset coach certifications accomplish?
Mindset coach certifications for coaches are designed to allow coaches to improve, as well as expand their horizons. They will be exposed to different types of practices, as well as get additional training in the field of mindset coaching. By obtaining a mindset coach certification, coaches will be able to better communicate with their clients and other people in the industry.
Q. Why should I become and mindset coach?
Mindset coach certifications are great for those who want to improve their practices, as well as gain more knowledge in the field of coaching. These types of certifications are also great for coaches who want to improve their businesses. These certifications will give coaches a lot of new ways to make money, as well as help them acquire the clients that they so desire.
If you’re still wondering whether or not you should obtain a mindset coach certification, then consider the following:
- You want to find a new way to make money
- You’re looking for a way to fulfil your purpose
- You want to expand your business, as well as learn more about mindset coaching in the process
- You want to learn how to become a better coach who can communicate with your clients in an effective manner
Q: How can I become a certified mindset coach?
A: To become a certified mindset coach, you can enroll in a certification program offered by a mindset coach academy. These programs provide in-depth training and education on coaching techniques, mindset principles, and client support. By completing the certification program, you will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to help clients overcome limiting beliefs and achieve their goals.
Q: What does a mindset coach do?
A: A mindset coach helps clients identify and overcome limiting beliefs that are holding them back from reaching their full potential. They work one-on-one with clients to uncover the thoughts and patterns that are keeping them stuck and teach them effective strategies for creating positive change in their lives. A mindset coach also offers guidance, support, and accountability to help clients achieve their desired outcomes.
Q: Why is mindset coaching important?
A: Mindset coaching is important because our thoughts and beliefs greatly impact our actions and outcomes. By working with a certified mindset coach, you can gain a better understanding of the beliefs and thought patterns that may be holding you back and learn new ways of thinking and approaching challenges. Mindset coaching can help you overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, and create positive change in your life.
Q: What is the difference between a mindset coach and other types of coaches?
A: While all coaches provide support and guidance to their clients, a mindset coach specifically focuses on helping clients identify and overcome limiting beliefs. This differs from other types of coaches, such as career coaches or health coaches, who may provide guidance in specific areas of life or career development. A mindset coach works on the foundational level of mindset and helps clients address the root causes of their challenges.
Q: How does a mindset coach help their clients?
A: A mindset coach helps their clients by asking powerful questions that challenge their beliefs and thought patterns. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, a mindset coach will guide clients in uncovering and transforming limiting beliefs that may be holding them back. They provide support, accountability, and teach valuable mindset tools and techniques to help clients achieve their goals and make positive changes in their lives.
Q: What topics are covered in a mindset coaching certification program?
A: A mindset coaching certification program typically covers topics such as the importance of mindset, understanding limiting beliefs, effective coaching techniques, goal setting, accountability, and client support. These programs provide comprehensive training to equip aspiring mindset coaches with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively help their clients overcome challenges and achieve their desired outcomes.
Q: Can a certified mindset coach work internationally?
A: Yes, a certified mindset coach can work internationally. The skills and knowledge gained through a certification program are applicable worldwide. Many mindset coaches offer their services online, allowing them to connect with clients from different countries and time zones. Additionally, some certification programs may provide resources and guidance on working with international clients and navigating cultural differences.
Q: How long does it take to become a certified mindset coach?
A: The time it takes to become a certified mindset coach can vary depending on the specific certification program and individual’s pace of learning. Some certification programs can be completed in a few months, while others may take a year or longer. It is important to research different programs and choose one that aligns with your schedule and learning preferences.
Q: What career opportunities are available for certified mindset coaches?
A: Certified mindset coaches have a variety of career opportunities available to them. They can work independently and offer one-on-one coaching services to clients. They can also join coaching organizations or become a part of a coaching team. Additionally, certified mindset coaches can collaborate with other professionals, such as therapists or career counselors, to provide comprehensive support to clients. Some mindset coaches also offer group coaching programs or develop their own training programs.
Q: What are some benefits of becoming a certified mindset coach?
A: Becoming a certified mindset coach can come with several benefits. You will gain the skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in the lives of others. Mindset coaching can be a fulfilling and rewarding career, allowing you to help clients achieve their goals and overcome challenges. Additionally, as a certified mindset coach, you have the potential to create your own schedule, work independently, and have the opportunity to continuously learn and grow within the coaching industry.
Mindset coach certifications are great because they allow you to enter a new, exciting, and lucrative field. By obtaining this certification, you will be able to help people who want to improve their lives through the coaching process. You will also be able to learn new ways that you can make money along the way. If you’re interested in learning more about the field of mindset coaching maybe first check our guide on mindset training.