Mindset vs Mentality (The 9 biggest differences)
Many people struggle with the difference between their “mindset” and their “mentality”. This article will provide a clear distinction between them and help you understand mindset vs mentality.
Many in society have the mindset that success comes easy, or without hard work. However, they lack a proper understanding of the mentality and what it really means to be successful. Success is not something just given to you for being good looking, wealthy, athletic or any other trait that society considers superior. Success is a result of hard work, intelligence and the ability to learn from failure. The mentality is having a proper understanding of why you chose to put in the effort to achieve a certain goal.

Every person has their own personal goals that they would like to achieve in life. These goals come from their own personal “mentality”. Having this mindset allows you to determine what it is that you want out of life and what actions you need to take in order to accomplish your goal.
Many make the mistake of equating mentality with a person’s mindset. The misconception that many have is that having a “good” mindset means having the right mindset, or having the “correct” mentality. In reality, you can have the “wrong” mindset and still achieve your goals because you have learned from your mistakes and made necessary adjustments to your plans.
What is mindset?
Mindset is having a proper understanding of why you chose to put in the effort to achieve a certain goal. A mindset is simply the way someone feels inside. It is the mindset of not only your goals but the underlying reasons why you chose to put in that level of effort to achieve that goal.
Mindset is simply your mentality, which is an inner feeling towards a certain subject. It can be anything you are passionate about, whether it is a profession, a sport, or even a hobby in life. The mentality for each person can vary drastically based on their own personal interests and goals they wish to achieve in life.
What is Mentality?
Mentality is having a proper understanding of why you chose to put in the effort to achieve a certain goal. Mindset is simply your mentality, which is an inner feeling towards a certain subject. It can be anything you are passionate about, whether it is a profession, a sport, or even a hobby in life. The mentality for each person can vary drastically based on their own personal interests and goals they wish to achieve in life.
Mentality is being able to put in the effort necessary to achieve any goal you set for yourself. It is having the inner drive or willpower to achieve a certain goal, and not letting anything stand in your way.
A mentality is simply a way of thinking or having an attitude toward something that you are passionate about. Your mentality is determined by your mindset and how you approach accomplishing your goals in life. Understanding what each one means will help you determine which one best aligns with your own personal goals in life.
The 9 biggest differences between Mindset vs Mentality
- Mindset is simply the way you feel about something. Where as mentality is determined by your mindset and how you approach accomplishing your goals in life.
- Mindset means having the right mindset, or having the “correct” mentality. Mentality means having the correct mentality, or having the right mindset for reaching a certain goal.
- Having the wrong mindset does not determine whether you will accomplish your goals or not, it simply means you will have to make adjustments on how you choose to reach them. Whereas having a mentality that is wrong will prevent you from reaching your goals.
- The mindset that you have determines what actions you will take toward your goal. A mentality on the other hand, determines whether or not you will put in the effort to achieve it.
- Having a good mindset means having a proper understanding of why you chose to put in the effort to achieve a certain goal (mentality). Whereas having a mentality means simply understanding why you chose to put in the effort to achieve a certain goal.
- Having a good mindset does not determine whether you will achieve your goals or not, it simply determines how you choose to reach them. Having a good mentality means having an inner drive or willpower to achieve a certain goal and not letting anything stand in your way.
- Having a good mindset will cause you to be willing to take actions necessary to reach your goal. A mentality however, will not determine what actions you will take and may prevent you from reaching your goal.
- Having a good mindset means having the ability to learn from failure and adjust on how you accomplish it. A mentality means being able to understand when something in life has failed, but have also learned from it and moved forward with a new strategy or approach for accomplishing your goals.
- Having a good mindset means understanding the reason for being successful in life. A mentality is a means of understanding what it is that you want out of life and what actions you need to take in order to accomplish your goals.
It goes without saying that there are countless other differences between these two concepts, but these are the most important ones. A proper understanding of both will determine whether or not you will be able to reach your goals in life, and whether or not you will have fun doing it.
Mindset and mentality are two different things altogether, because they are two different attitudes that you can possess towards a certain subject. It is not wrong to have a mentality or mindset towards something, but having the right mindset and the right mentality for accomplishing certain goals in life are what determines whether or not you will accomplish them.
The main goal in life is to become successful and achieve all of your personal goals. A proper understanding of mindset vs mentality will help you determine simply which one aligns most with your goals in life. Although this article explains the differences between mindset and mentality, it still does not explain why you should strive to become successful. The best way to understand why you should be striving for success is learning how to build a positive attitude towards your goals (mentality).