The Positive Mindset is a state of mind where you have a positive outlook on life and see all facets in an optimistic light. Achieving and maintaining this state of mind takes practice but is ultimately worth the effort.
This article includes ways to cultivate the Positive Mindset, such as journaling, practising optimism, and putting yourself first. It will also highlight Facts about The Positive Mindset that show just how important it can be in day-to-day life.
What is a Positive Mindset and Attitude?
A positive mindset and attitude is an outlook that sees the glass as half full. In other words, you have a feeling of confidence and self-confidence in your abilities that defies what might seem like insurmountable obstacles. And with this positive approach, life becomes more fulfilling and enjoyable. Whether it’s your career or personal life, a positive attitude can ease stress levels and inspires creativity at work or play. This positive outlook can even help you face the negative aspects of life.
This outlook isn’t limited to situations that are positive in nature, such as a baby being born or the positive outcome during a loss. It is not based on finding individual pleasure in the little things, but on recognizing opportunities for growth within life’s hardships, both in your professional and personal lives. You see challenges as opportunities and difficulties as paths to success. You’re able to know when you’re headed for trouble or a place that makes you feel uncomfortable and adjust accordingly.
A positive mind is also one of self-awareness, in which you are able to look beyond your situation and see how it is affecting you. This can be seen in a person who is living with physical limitations: They may not know it at the moment, but by being aware of their limitations and by not adapting their way of life for them, they are able to face their problems head-on and overcome them. They have a positive outlook and are living a positive mind.
When you see life as a challenge, no matter how small or large, that is not connected to your self-esteem or sense of self-worth, you’re able to know your strengths and weaknesses and use that information to create goals for yourself. In fact, it becomes easier to be more satisfied with the end result. You are also able to focus on where you need improvement instead of getting caught up in how bad things might seem when looking at them from an outside perspective.
However, as a negative mindset is defined by a feeling of self-doubt and apprehension, it makes it hard to see the bigger picture. A negative mindset can also be one of being unhappy in life. It might lead to pessimism and lack of confidence in yourself or your goals.
Keep in mind that these two mindsets aren’t mutually exclusive. Someone may have both positive and negative traits because they are not thinking clearly about themselves, their situation, their strengths and weaknesses. In part, it comes down to the person’s perception of the world and how they are able to deal with life’s challenges.
What Are The Qualities and Traits of Those Who Have a Positive mindset and Mental Attitude?
We all know somebody who has a positive mental attitude and mental outlook. These people are happy, upbeat individuals that are always on the go with a smile on their face. They love life, embrace challenges, and make others feel better about themselves and their life choices. They’re the type of people who you can be around and feel energized by their positive outlook on life.
If you are one of these people, great! If not, maybe you can learn some of their traits and qualities and nurture them in yourself. Being a positive person isn’t something you are born with; it has to be nurtured and worked at. So let’s get started.
9 Qualities of Positive People:
1. They Have a High Level of Self-Esteem
If you don’t feel good about yourself and your life, why would you think that others would? If you don’t like what you have accomplished in your life, who wouldn’t think that there is something wrong with you? That was a trick question. The majority of people will think this way. So if you want to be considered positive, then it starts with having high self-esteem.
You need to know that being positive isn’t a facade. It isn’t an act of putting on a good face when you don’t feel like it. It is an attitude and lifestyle that you adopt and promote to yourself and others. You have to work on it every day. When you neglect your inner value system, it becomes easier to neglect the outward one too.
Self-esteem is nothing more (and nothing less) than believing in yourself . Believing that you can. Believing that you deserve. Believing that you can handle whatever life throws at you.
2. They Have a Positive Attitude
When you have this attitude, life is much easier to deal with. You see the good in everything that happens to you and others. Imagine being around a person who never has anything negative to say about anyone or anything. That’s a rare individual indeed. But you know these people when you see them; they are like shining stars in the night sky.
A positive attitude does not mean that you don’t get upset or even angry at times. But it does mean that you are quick to forgive and forget. It means that negative thinking is not something you engage in all of the time. It also means that you don’t live in the past as much and you try to focus on the present and future instead.
You might have heard it said before, “Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.” This saying is true most of the time. But not when you have a positive attitude. In that case, it might just work out in your favor. For example, if you have a positive outlook on life and you wish for something to happen, there is a good chance it will come true.
Why? Well, because all things being equal, people want to associate themselves with positive people. They don’t want to hang around negative people because negative energy tends to be bad for the soul and the psyche. It can hold them back from achieving their ultimate purpose in life.
3. They Are Flexible
This is vital if you want to have a positive mental attitude. People who are flexible are easy to get along with, they don’t tend to get offended easily, and they rarely let the little things bother them. If you are always rigid and stubborn about everything, you will never be able to get along with other people and you will have a very difficult time in life.
So if you want to stand out from the crowd in a positive light, then become flexible. When you are, life is a whole lot easier and it tends to work out better for you. The flexible person can see things from the other person’s point of view, and then make his or her own decision based on what they just learned.
Remember that nobody is always right and nobody is always wrong. Being flexible gives you an advantage in thinking outside of the box as well. It makes you more productive, more successful in your endeavors, and an overall more positive person than those who don’t possess this trait.
4. They Appreciate the Little Things in Life
As I stated earlier, a positive person is very easy to get along with. This is because they have a lot in common with others and they always have something good to say about other people. They do not use other people for their own pleasure or gain, and if they do it is only for a short period of time.
When it comes down to it, these individuals are so good at maintaining their positive attitude that even the seemingly insignificant things in life can bring them pleasure. For example, if they wake up on a beautiful day and the sun is shining brightly, they enjoy getting up that day. If someone holds open a door for them, they are grateful for the simple gesture of thoughtfulness shown to them.
They don’t have to have thousands of dollars in their pockets to appreciate the little things in life. They don’t have to have someone special in their life to make them happy. They can enjoy anything that just happens to give them a positive experience.
5. They Don’t Care What Other People Think
This one is a biggie.
When you don’t care what other people think, you are in complete control of your life and your actions. Even when you make a mistake, it doesn’t have to have an effect on the rest of the world. If a person like this has messed up once or twice, it doesn’t mean that he or she will mess up again or even consider doing so in the future.
To care what other people think is a very negative thing. It is an unhealthy attitude that can bring on a lot of stress and anxiety in your life. When you care what other people think of you, it means that you are always walking on eggshells just in case you do something wrong or hurt someone’s feelings. You don’t feel comfortable enough to just be yourself, because you are afraid of how others will react to who you really are.
6. They Are Great Friends
People who are friends with negative people aren’t very happy. They don’t feel that they can confide in who they are, and it doesn’t matter how long they have known them or how close they are to that person. Why? Because people with a positive mental attitude do not judge others and have no problem being open about themselves. They are always easy to talk to and willing to lend an ear when someone needs one.
In fact, they are always ready to lend a helping hand when someone needs it. They are caring and loving toward other people, especially those who are struggling or going through hard times. They don’t easily get offended because they don’t judge others harshly. Though they may sometimes say negative things about certain individuals, these negative people are usually a small minority of the entire group. So if you know any of them personally, stop judging others and realize that everything you know about them is false.
7. The don’t judge others
This is a vital part of having a positive mental attitude. The last thing you want to do is judge others or be judgmental about people. When you do that, it means that you are being negative toward them, and as anyone who’s ever been on both ends of that situation knows, judging people is one of life’s biggest mistakes.
So why get judgmental about others? Because it makes you feel small and insignificant when you see that person making the wrong choices in their life. It is the same feeling you get when you see someone who is overweight and want them to lose a few pounds. Or maybe you see someone who is dressed strangely and want to help them find an outfit that makes them look better. It is easy to judge others when you are with groups of people who have a similar attitude about certain things. They will follow your lead and also begin judging that other person. So if you want to be a positive person and want to lead a successful life, forget about that negativity for once in your life.
If you are constantly judging people, it is no wonder why you can’t make new friends and why negative people keep dragging you down. You do not want to be like them. But the more positive you act and the more constructive feedback you offer others the better friendships you will develop.
8. They practice gratitude naturally
This is another one of the most important traits that individuals with a positive mental attitude possess. It is very important to be grateful for what you have and not focus on the negative things around you. When you are grateful for what you already have, you won’t mind losing a few little things in life that don’t mean much to you.
For example, if you lose your favorite pair of jeans, you will not mind replacing them with a similar pair. If you have a new phone that runs a slower version of your old phone, then you won’t mind upgrading it once your contract is over. The nicer shoes you buy won’t be ruined because they rub against the bottom of your suitcase. You realize that what little things in life can make so much difference and are grateful for each one that comes along.
But if you are not grateful for the little things in life, it makes it much harder to appreciate the truly wonderful things that do come along. You will be one of those people who cannot stop talking about the negative things in life, and you will complain about anything that does not go your way. You will miss out on so many opportunities that being positive can bring you without even realizing it.
9. They don’t take things personally
This is a trait that many people never understand. They assume that if someone is at fault for their problems, they should be upset and angry with that person. But if you are always looking for the negative in others, you will find things to be upset about. If you think that someone has slighted you or hurt your feelings, then it will affect how you feel about them for years to come. It makes it very difficult to enjoy friendship with them after a while.
If you try to take things personally, then you are still going to have blown out of proportion feelings even though it has nothing to do with that person. Not only should you not take things personally, but it is in your best interest if you can make someone else feel better about what has happened, as opposed to telling them that they did wrong. If someone hurts your feelings, it was their fault and not yours. It may have been unintentional or they may just be a very negative person.
Positive mindset examples
If you found the examples in the list above to be too general, there are many other situations in which a positive attitude can be seen in action.
For instance, some examples of positive attitudes include the following:
1.. Resisting the temptation to complain about what you don’t have.
- Tolerating those who annoy you on occasion, without cursing them beneath your breath or otherwise behaving badly yourself.
- Remaining cheerful when things are not going well for you.
- Refusing to let your present circumstances dictate how you feel about the future.
- Keeping an optimistic attitude even when it’s hard to do so, and especially when there’s usually no one around to see how positive you are being.
- Declaring yourself to be a positive person.
- Turning down the volume of your negative self-talk . . . and replacing it with positive affirmations and positive memory-making.
- Looking for the best in others, rather than looking for their worst; and finding good things about people even when you don’t expect to find them there!
- Not blaming yourself for things that were not within your control, or that didn’t happen exactly as you wished they would have.
10.. Holding others just as accountable for their actions and words as you are. - Refraining from expressing negative comments even when they appear to be justified.
- Holding yourself accountable to your own standards, rather than allowing others to hold you accountable to theirs… or letting them blame you for things that you didn’t do or didn’t say!
- Recognizing that what someone else is feeling or thinking has nothing whatsoever to do with you or how you feel or think about yourself.
Why a Positive Mindset is the Key to Success?
Since we have a better idea of what a positive outlook entails, we can move on to one of the most pressing issues: why is it so positive to maintain a constructive disposition?
Success is not a steady linear path. It’s more like a mountain that you have to climb over and over, but each time the mountain is harder because it has grown in size. You need to keep on your toes or else you will fall off the mountain–and it can happen quite quickly.
A positive outlook prepares you for these challenges by keeping you from worrying about them before they happen, and also by preparing for them in advance.
A positive outlook allows you to be less reactive and more proactive with your thoughts, actions, and decisions. It also gives you a better view of the big picture instead of being blinded by the immediate details.
To some this may sound great, but it’s not always easy to hold on to that viewpoint when all you see is negativity around you, as well as within yourself. The key here is awareness. You must be mindful of your thoughts and feelings. Before they turn into negative ones, nip them in the bud.
The Value of Fostering Positive Thoughts
Many people do not view the world with the same optimistic outlook that we do. Negativity seems to be a common trend, and it can have some serious consequences. Some see this as an opportune time to start changing things, so they tell themselves positive mantras like “I am strong” or “I can do anything.”
But, there’s a problem. When we are told this kind of positive thought on a regular basis, it becomes ingrained. It may become so engrained that it can be difficult to break free from this particular thought pattern and resort back to negative thinking.
We have all probably tried that in the past and not succeeded, or perhaps gave up quickly when our negative thoughts started to take over again. So what do we do?
A recent study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine by James W. Pennebaker and his colleagues found that either writing about traumatic or negative thoughts can actually lead to an increase in physical and mental health issues, or the opposite.
In this study, Stanford University undergraduates were surveyed about their past traumatic experiences and personal stresses. Participants were split into two groups. The first group was instructed to keep a diary for three days, writing about any emotions they felt due to their traumatic past or current stressors. The second group was simply asked to describe the events of their day for three days.
After three days, both groups were asked to take part in various psychological tests that measured their health and well-being. They were also asked to fill out a questionnaire that assessed the number of negative and positive thoughts they had during the previous day. The results, as you may have guessed, showed that writing about negative experiences actually led to a decrease in health and well-being.
The finding of this study may be somewhat counterintuitive, however it becomes clear when you consider the “what ifs” of life events. When people think about the past, they tend to focus on the negative aspects. How can we successfully move forward from this type of situation?
First, we have to realize that emotions are not always bad or good. Perhaps the memories evoked by traumatic experiences are positive and prosperous for us in the future, or perhaps they’re negative and debilitating. Though one may have negative thoughts about a stressful event, it cannot be assumed that every memory will have such a positive emotional effect.
The second thing we must keep in mind is that by writing about the negative aspects of a stressful past event, we end up experiencing more stress and more negative emotions. The net effect of this is to have a lower self-esteem and feel less capable in our lives.
It’s also important to recognize that emotional health plays a very important role in overall physical health. When you evaluate your emotional state, it can be beneficial to recognize opportunities for change.
What are some benefits to having a positive mindset?
The positive mindset, which is a combination of thinking positively and having a balanced emotional state, has many benefits that should be explored. It also has the potential to increase one’s happiness, self-esteem, and success. Let’s take a look at the benefits:
1. Increases Happiness
Having a positive mindset can increase one’s happiness in the ways that they think. One will believe that they have control over their future, which gives them a sense of purpose in life. They also have less anxiety and more joy during positive events, and are not as stressed during challenging times as those who focus on the negative aspects. In general, having a positive mindset leads to increased happiness because you are more accepting of things that occur in your life.
2. Improves Self-Esteem
Having a positive mindset improves one’s self-esteem because it allows the person to see their perceived flaws as “hugely positive.” A person who thinks positively about themselves will perceive that they are still capable of achieving whatever goals they set. Having a positive mindset will also make one very likely to believe that most things happen for a reason, which will raise their self-esteem.
3. Encourages Success
Having a positive mindset encourages success by making one believe that they are capable of achieving whatever they set their mind to. Since the mind is the most powerful tool, your thoughts will lead you to success.
4. Helps Prevent Procrastination
When you manage your emotions using positive thinking, you will not procrastinate as much as those who focus on the negative. One will be more likely to do what they need to do, rather than do something else that is fun or they want to do. Those who focus on positive thoughts will also be less anxious, which gives them patience and perseverance during challenging times.
5. Reduces Stress
Another benefit to having a positive mindset is that it reduces stress. If a person thinks positively, they will not be as anxious or stressed because they will likely see something positive in most situations. They also have more patience and perseverance, which makes them less likely to give up on their goals when things don’t go their way. People who have positive mindsets can also think more creatively in order to help solve problems that arise.
6. Stabilizes One’s Mood
Having a positive mindset stabilizes one’s moods. If they are having a bad day, they will perceive it as a temporary setback, and believe that they can succeed again in the future. This gives them more motivation to try their best to achieve a better outcome. Stabilizing one’s mood can also allow a person to live more in the present moment, rather than the past or future.
7. Encourages One to Be Grateful
Those who have a positive mindset are more likely to be grateful for what they have, and will be more content with their life. They also feel that they have more control over their future. When focusing on positive thoughts, one will increase their quality of life because they will appreciate the things that they have now rather than those that are no longer available to them.
8. Makes One More Optimistic
Having a positive mindset will make someone believe that they can accomplish their goals and dreams, which makes them more optimistic. They are also far less likely to catastrophize and find everything negative in the world, which helps reduce stress. People who are more optimistic are also less likely to experience suicidal thoughts or depression because they have more hope for the future.
How to develop a positive mindset
It’s not always easy to be positive but it can have a powerful effect on your life. Positive people are happier, healthier and more successful than those with a negative outlook. Just like any other skill, developing a positive mindset takes time and effort. This beginners guide gives you 10 steps using proven techniques to bring positivity into your life.
1. Decide to have a positive mindset
The first step is to make the decision to have a positive outlook on life. Most of us are unaware of our mental state so it’s difficult to change it. Like all new skills, it takes practice and commitment. As with most things in life, you get out what you put into developing a positive mindset. Don’t expect results overnight and set small achievable goals along the way.
2. Understand your negative thinking
Negative thinking can leave us feeling depressed. It can make even small problems seem insurmountable and can turn a pleasant mood into one of worry and anxiety. Understanding how you think is vital to improving your mental state. You may be surprised what you find out about yourself as you work through this guide.
3. Develop your positive thinking
Positive thinking is different to negative thinking. Positive thinking involves creating a more positive image of yourself and the world around you. Your thoughts can create emotions and result in feelings of happiness. Some people are naturally more positive than others but it’s all about how you think. You can develop a positive mindset and it’s not magic, it just takes practice, effort and awareness.
4. Identify your self-talk
Your self-talk is the way you speak to yourself inside your head. If you find yourself talking negatively about yourself or your life, you may be experiencing negative self-talk. Thoughts become words and words become actions, so being aware of it is a step in the right direction.
5. Challenge your negative self-talk
Start to challenge the negative things you tell yourself by thinking of some solutions to whatever problem you’re facing. You may have to go back and change some of your old negative thinking but you can challenge yourself. Keep trying until you feel confident in your ability to solve problems.
6. Create success affirmations
Success affirmations are the positive statements that you repeat to yourself when you’re feeling low, or a goal is in sight. They’re not magic but they’ll boost your confidence and give you more motivation as you improve. Affirmations help to build confidence so it’s important that they’re positive and true for you.
7. Practise positive self-talk
The easiest way to make sure that you’re thinking positively is to talk to yourself in the same way you would talk to a friend. For example, if you’ve had a bad day at work, don’t moan about it when you get home – instead try and find some positives. This doesn’t mean that everything is rosy and perfect but it helps put things into perspective. Just like other skills, practice makes perfect!
8. Realise the importance of positivity
Positive thinking isn’t just about having a positive attitude, it’s also about how you deal with the problems that are thrown at you. Learn to deal with your problems before they happen and make sure you think positively. When your positivity is low, you’re way more likely to let problems get to you or to give up.
9. Don’t get discouraged
If you’re struggling, then it’s totally normal because it’s not always easy. Just remember that even the most successful people had setbacks that made them want to quit but they kept going despite the obstacles in their way. If negative thinking is holding you back, then what are you waiting for? Get moving now!
10. Focus on something else
Sometimes we’re so caught up in the negativity that it’s hard to think of anything else. If negativity is making it difficult to concentrate, then take a break. Go for a walk, listen to something that makes you feel happy or read something uplifting. The more you focus on the positive, the more it’ll sink in and you’ll start to feel better again!
11. Become an optimist
If you’re an optimist already, then great! You won’t have to do anything other than keep telling yourself how happy you are. But if you’re not yet completed an optimist, then don’t worry. The more you focus on the positive, the more it’ll take over your life and eventually even those around you will start to see the positivity too!
12. Stop comparing yourself to others
In the world of social media, there will always be someone out there who has their life together in a completely different way. We instantly feel labelled and judged when we see someone “better” than us. But the fact is, not every single person is living an amazing life and the fact that you chose to live your life in a certain way doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone else should do the same.
13. Stop worrying about things not working out
It’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and the stress of worrying about what could go wrong. Instead of worrying about what’s going on, focus on what you want to happen. The law of attraction states that whatever we focus our mind on, returns to us. So instead of worrying about things that haven’t happened yet, focus on the things you want to happen and you’re bound to start getting them!
14. Don’t judge yourself
Judging yourself or others doesn’t achieve anything positive. Instead of judging, try to understand how everyone is different and that’s why we have our own opinions. It’s important to accept that you’re not the same as everyone else and learn from what they do. Don’t be quick to judge someone else because you see their life differently than you do. You may be unaware of how you’re influencing them, so don’t take it personally!
15. Try to be a positive influence
We all know that negativity spreads like wildfire and for some reason, humans just seem to love being negative. If you find yourself surrounded by negative people, then try your best to pull them into the positive zone. Being a positive influence on others is a great way to become more positive yourself!
16. Focus on your strengths rather than weaknesses
Stop focusing on your weaknesses and start focusing on your strengths. Most negative thinking is focused on the things you can’t do rather than the things you can. Focus more on your strengths because they’ll help eliminate your weaknesses. If you’re not sure of your strengths, then make a list and work on developing them.
17. Think like a child
When we were young, life was easy and simple. We didn’t know what it meant to be negative or depressed because we had no thoughts about what could go wrong in our lives. As we grow older, we start to think more deeply which can cause negative thinking. Try taking a break from thinking about the problems of the world and learn to appreciate everything you have in your life.
18. Plan ahead
Planning ahead is a great way to reduce negative thinking because you’re able to prepare for whatever issues may arise. If you have a lot of things going on then it’s easy for negative thoughts to take over and stress you out. But by planning ahead, you’re able to feel in control of the situation and prevent negative thinking.
19. Give thanks for your life
The world is full of great things that we take for granted. We think that we don’t deserve to be given any more of what we already have but why not be thankful? Think about how grateful you are that you’re alive and the amazing opportunities that are right in front of you. You deserve it!
20. Be brave
If you want to be genuinely happy with your life, then you must be brave. Being brave means risking what you think is negative in your life. You have to put yourself out there because if it doesn’t work out, at least you tried. Most people are scared of the unknown and will try to avoid risks but it’s important to try and face the unknown head-on!
What are some examples of the positive mindset?
Now we will give you some real-world examples to help you understand a little better. These examples will be completely different from your life but the principles will still apply to you.
Example 1: John
John is a 21-year-old young man who believes that he will most likely fail his next exam. John believes that if he fails, then every single other part of his life will also fail and he’ll be stuck in a life of failure. Even though John has been putting off studying, he wants to start working on his exam so he can try to get a high grade. He sits down at his desk and tries to start on his exam, thinking about what he could do wrong. “I’m going to fail”, John says, as he puts his head in his hands and starts to cry.
In this example, John is acting out of fear because he’s afraid of failing. Even though it might seem obvious, John is feeling negative emotions because he is thinking negatively. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, John should focus on what he can do to make it go easier. Here are a few tips:
- John didn’t study as much as he should have. He shouldn’t dwell on the past but learn from it and begin studying for his exam right now!
- If John has failed an exam before, he should make a note of all the mistakes that he made and then focus on what went wrong and how to avoid those mistakes again.
- Instead of thinking that he can’t do it, John should try to find a way to make it easier. For example, if he’s finding it too easy, he could change his study time around so that it only takes him two hours instead of four. He’ll also have fewer reminders which will make the learning process easier.
Example 2: Sandy
Sandy is 22 years old and is in love with her dream man but she thinks he’s just not interested in her. She’s been waiting on him for a long time to come back but he hasn’t responded, she thinks he’s just playing her. Sandy wants to believe that she’ll get her dream man but at the same time, she’s afraid of being rejected so she keeps reminding herself how bad it will be if he chooses someone else.
In this example, Sandy is thinking negatively which makes her stay stuck in worry and fear. She has a dream of her perfect life and when it isn’t being fulfilled, she turns the negative into a complete disaster. Here are some tips:
- Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, Sandy should focus on what she could do to make it easier. If she’s just dreaming about her dream man, then she should call him up and tell him how much she loves him and how much he means to her.
- If Sandy is in love with him, then why not take the risk to see if her dream man feels the same way? She should tell him and see what happens!
- If he doesn’t like her back, then at least she tried and learned something from it. Instead of spending so much time worrying about it all day long, Sandy should try focusing on other things.
Example 3: Dave
Dave is 64 years old and he’s retired from his job. He thought that he would fall in love again after retirement but it never happened and he’s just too old. He thinks that he’s too old to find love again and that he’ll never have anyone special. He wonders why women won’t ever call him or want to go out with him anymore. He gets lonely and thinks that it’s just his age, but at the same time, he hasn’t done anything to attract any new women!
In this example, Dave is mentally stuck in the past. He’s stuck in his old ways of thinking because he’s been making the same mistakes over and over. He thinks that he’s too old to find love again and that it’s never going to happen when in fact, he has a lot more time than ever for finding love. Here are some tips:
- Stop being afraid of the future and think about it instead. He’ll be too old when this happens if he continues worrying about it all the time. Instead, he should think about the various opportunities that are coming around right now. It’s never too late to find a woman to love!
- Dave is alone a lot and it’s easy for him to start thinking negatively about himself. Instead of calling himself old, he should try being confident and friendly with people outside of his home.
- If he still feels lonely, then Dave should try doing something else that interests him. For example, he could join a martial arts club and start working out to help him look better.
Example 4: Dean
Dean is 29 and lives with his young partner who has just gotten pregnant. He’s the one that gets up early in the morning and takes care of everything so his partner can go to work. He’s never going to see his child grow but at the same time, he doesn’t want to hate being a father. He wonders if he’ll ever get to go out with his friends and have fun but at the same time, he doesn’t want to be a father who never has any fun.
In this example, Dean is thinking negatively about what’s going to happen if he becomes a father. He’s stuck in both the “before” and “after” of his life. Instead of thinking of it in terms of good or bad, Dean should focus more on making some small changes so his life will be easier. Here are some tips:
- Instead of focusing on the bad stuff that could happen, Dean should focus on the good things. Instead of thinking about how his life will change, he should think about looking forward to seeing the baby grow up. He can also think about what other small changes he can make in his life to make it easier.
- Instead of thinking about how much he’s getting up every day, Dean should try to get more sleep and go to bed earlier.
- Instead of thinking that he’ll never have any fun again, Dean should think about the small things that he can do every day. He can show his partner that he still cares and loves her by doing something nice for her like making lunch or giving her a back rub. These small changes will make each day easier for both of them and they’ll enjoy it even more.
What are some books that you can read to help with the positive mindset?
Reading is a great way of learning and experiencing new things. I’m a big fan of reading in general because book lovers will do anything to live life to the fullest! Here are some books that you can read today or this week to help guide you in your journey towards your positive mindset today:
1. The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
This is a book that I’ve read previously and it really helped change my perspective on life. I recommend that you read it to get started on your journey towards a positive mindset!
2. The Five Minute Journal – Mark Divine
I love the idea behind this book because most days we spend more time in our head than in the real world. Getting away from your problems by writing them down and focusing on what’s real will help you find your way to a positive mindset!
3. The Miracle Morning – Hal Elrod
This book is about how to start your day off right and how to start the rest of your life in the right direction. I used a lot of the ideas in this book to change my mindset and they really worked!
4. Taming Your Mind – Mark Salzberg
This book focuses on fixing your mind so that you can live and experience life in the most positive way possible. This is another one of my favorite books for mindset and I must say that it’s done a great job!
5. The 48 Laws of Power – Robert Greene
This book gives you insight into what people really do in order to get what they want. It’s useful if you want to learn how to manipulate others into doing what you want.
6. The Attractor Factor – Richard Koch
This is a short book that teaches people how to become successful in life by giving them the right strategies and habits that will lead them towards their goals. It’s definitely worth reading if you want the secrets of what people really do to reach their goals.
7. The Art of Happiness – Dalai Lama
I was a bit sceptical about this book at first, but it was very interesting reading about the Dalai Lama’s perspective on life. He’s a very caring and loving individual who has spent his entire life helping people. This book really shows how to be happy in your everyday life which is something that we all need to learn!
8. The Power of Mindset – Carol Dweck
This is one of my favorite books and it focuses on changing your mindset in order to fix your problems. This is a short book but it’s definitely worth reading!
If you want more tips on how to have a positive mindset, check out my other blog post: Tips for Positive Thinking: How to Have a Positive Mindset Every Day!
What are some podcasts you can listen to to help develop a positive mindset?
Podcasts are a gateway to learning and sharing knowledge. We love learning new things so podcasts are a great way to learn a lot of new material in the shortest time possible! Here are a few of my favorite podcasts that I always recommend to other people:
1. The Tim Ferriss Show – Tim Ferriss
This podcast is hosted by one of my favorite people – Tim Ferris. He’s a writer, antique dealer, and serial entrepreneur who has written several books that I’ve read. He interviews amazing people from all over the world that have experienced great things in life. His podcast is very interesting and I recommend you check it out!
2. The Moth – Empire Avenue
I love this podcast because it reaches so many people! It features stories about ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things every day. It also tells touching stories to help everyone feel good about themselves.
3. The Art of Charm Podcast – Jordan Harbinger
I recently started listening to this podcast and I like it a lot so far. The host talks about social dynamics in a fun way that makes it easy to learn what he’s trying to teach us. It’s been a lot of fun so far and I recommend you check it out!
4. The Adventure Zone – Griffin and Evan
This podcast is about a brother and his friend who play Dungeons & Dragons every week. It’s a lot of fun and it features great stories! As long as you’re not too serious about games, this is a great podcast to listen to.
5. Stone Soup – Jack & Miles
This is one of my favorite podcasts because it showcases the lives of real people who are doing amazing things every day. Jack and Miles interview people from all over the world to learn about their personal journeys. I love hearing about amazing people and this is a great podcast for that!
6. Entrepreneur on Fire – John Lee Dumas
This podcast is hosted by John Lee Dumas, who’s a successful entrepreneur and author of several books. John interviews successful entrepreneurs in order to find out what they’re doing that makes them different from the rest of us. It’s definitely worth listening to especially if you’re planning to start your own business!
7. Love + Radio – The Love and Relationships Podcast
This is another good one I recommend so far! I’ve been listening for the last week or so and it’s very entertaining. It’s basically a radio show with different hosts talking about a variety of topics. I love hearing about the lives of different people and this is a great podcast to listen to!
8. The Longest Shortest Time – The Longest Shortest Time
This podcast is about people who are in transition and how they cope with life. It’s a great podcast to listen to because it gives you different perspectives on the same things.
9. The Duncan Trussel Family Hour – Duncan Trussel
This is a great podcast about knowledge, philosophy, and consciousness. Duncan Trussel is a philosopher who has produced this podcast for the last 6 years! It’s definitely a podcast worth listening to if you love discussing ideas.
10. Freakonomics Radio – Stephen Dubner & Steven Levitt
I’ve been listening to this podcast for a while now and I like it because it does research on interesting topics that people normally wouldn’t think about. It’s good because it focuses on new ways of looking at things, which is always interesting.
What are some positive mindset affirmations you can use to help with your development?
- I am a good person who deserves happiness and success.
- I can do this. Sometimes, it may not seem like I can, but if I push through, I will prevail.
- Life is good and getting better all the time.
- My positive attitude helps me to solve problems and achieve my goals.
- Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.
- Today is a wonderful day! Things will only get better from here on out!
- I am a powerful and responsible person.
- I am capable of anything!
- I love myself, and this gives me power.
- I have the potential to do great things with my life.
- Today is a great day to learn, improve myself or meet new people.
- If I put my mind to it, I can achieve my goals in life!
- I have the ability to succeed at anything I set my mind to.
- I am a leader, and this power gives me faith that I can achieve my dreams.
- If I try, I always win!
- Others are depending on me, and that makes me feel good about myself!
- My life is a success because of all of the things that I have accomplished.
- I have the skills and knowledge to be a big success in my life!
- I love myself, and this makes me want to be the best that I can be.
- I am not going to let anyone stop me from being successful in life!
- When I think positive thoughts, I feel positive emotions and positive actions follow!
- The more positivity that I send out into the universe, the more that I will attract back into my life!
- When I remain positive and upbeat, everything in life becomes easier.
- I am accepting of myself and the world around me.
- The harder that I work, the more success I will achieve.
- If I am determined enough, nothing can stop me from achieving my dreams!
- If there is something that I want, then it is guaranteed that I will get it!
- All things come to those who believe in them and persist with determination!
- I will have the things that I want in my life through positive thoughts and positive actions!
- One day, I will be very successful in life because I am putting my mind to it every day!
A positive mindset is a powerful tool, and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel when you start to use it. You can use positive affirmations to help you get started, but eventually, you will find that the power of positive thinking is easy to develop once you get used to using it. So what do you think? Are the positive mindset affirmations on this list helpful for your own personal development?
If so, please share these with friends! You never know when they may need the encouragement.
If you found these positive mindset affirmations helpful and you’d like to use them, go for it and good luck!