Change your mind. change your life.

Mind by Design

Changing your mindset can be one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your life. At Mind by Design, we have resources that help you become a better version of yourself.

What is a mindset and why does it matter?

A mindset is a set of assumptions that shape the way you think, feel, and act. It is a typical way of interpreting events that you are experiencing. So understanding your mindset is a great way to gain some insight into what you need to do in order to reach the goals that you’re setting for yourself.

This website’s goal is to help you understand what mindset means and why it matters. We’ll also go over ways that can start developing your own personal mindset and how it can help you with life in general. It isn’t always easy, but there are ways of working through the process and improving yourself as a result.

Types of Mindset
Growth mindset

Is a mindset that believes intelligence and talent aren’t set in stone. It assumes that through hard work and repetition, you can make yourself smarter and more talented in certain areas.

Fixed mindset

Is a mindset that believes intelligence and talent are limited to what you’re born with. This is a mindset that many people share and it shows up in many different ways. They may not want to challenge themselves, they may not be open to criticism, and they may avoid anything that seems like a risk to them.

Find Out Where You Need to Start

Starting on a path of self-improvement can start with baby steps or taking giant leaps in the right direction.

Growth Mindset

The mindset for winners and people believe their abilities have no limits.

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Abundance Mindset

Defined as the assumption that there will be enough for all. That’s why you can achiee.

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Business Mindset

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Creative Mindset

Creativity is necessary in order to solve problems and create new solutions.

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Stoic Mindset

The goal of stoicism is to suppress one’s emotions and transform them into indifference.

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Is about creating new products and services, and innovating in order to stay competitive.

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Our Focus Areas

We have a breadth of information on personal development.


Self–confidence is the key to unlocking your potential.


We’re going to explore what optimism is and how to build it.

Personal Accountability

Personal accountability as it is the cornerstone of success.

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Changing Your Mindset is Key to a Succesful Life.