Tough Times Don’t Last Tough People Do – Robert H. Schuller- Book Summary
Tough times don’t last tough people do is a self-help book by Robert H. Schuller. The book inspires the reader to take control over their life, know themselves and stay true to themselves in difficult times.
The author, Reverend Robert H. Schuller, makes the difference between being “tough” and being “strong” clear. He quotes a man he interviewed who said that he was tough until his father told him that “tough doesn’t eat. Tough is a man who will eat his troubles and keep going, but the strong man eats his troubles and keeps going.”

The book basically teaches you how to get out of negative thoughts about yourself. It is not about “fooling” yourself. It is about accepting the word of God and being honest with yourself. It tells you that no matter what situation you are in, things will work out for your best if you put your trust in God.
The book encourages the use of affirmations. It talks about some of these affirmations and tells you that they are not to be used as an excuse for being negative or pretending. It teaches you to tell yourself that you can get through your bad times while being strong.
After reading a chapter, it’s easy to understand what the author is saying. It makes the point that a person can be tough if he is strong and will continue to keep going even in his toughest situations no matter what happens.
Here are 12 amazing takeaways from the book.
1. Tough people are “strong” and “strong” people are not tough.
Tough people know how to eat their troubles. In other words, they will not let something negative ruin their day.
We often say that we cannot handle anything and that we feel like smashing something or going crazy but this is totally unproductive and does not help at all.
You need to learn to deal with the situation, think about it, make a plan and stick to it.
2. “I must be prepared”
You can’t be strong if you don’t make a plan. A plan is not only useful for things that are outside your control, such as winning a contest or getting a job, it is also useful in helping you to deal with the current situation.
If there is something that you want in your life it means that you already have a plan. If you don’t have a plan, it means that the other things are more important than your goal.
Being prepared is not being afraid to take risks, it is not a way of avoiding the consequences.
3. “Don’t fool yourself”
You have to be serious and concentrate on the things that you can do something about. Don’t fool yourself because if you fool yourself, you fool nobody else but yourself and no one else will take care of you.
Keep in mind that God works through His people and when they use their gifts and talents to help other people they are actually serving God.
4. “Be honest”
The most important question is if you desire to change and if your goal is to follow the example of Jesus.
5. “I have enough”
Money, time and experience are not wasted as long as you can look back and see that you’ve grown from the experience. You learn how to do good with what you have even though what you have is not enough for what you want to do.
6. “A man has a purpose”
You need to know what you want. If you don’t know what you want, it means that you haven’t figured out who you are.
7. “I must be honest with myself”
It’s not only about being honest with other people, it is also about being honest with yourself . Not just about what is good, but being honest with bad situations as well.
8. “I am getting better every day”
You need to know that even though you are having a bad time right now there is someone who loves you and will always be there for you. You need to know that even though you are facing difficulties today, this does not mean that there is no tomorrow.
Are you listening to the voice of God? Are you taking action on what you are learning from the Word of God?
9. “I must be strong”
You need to be strong because you’re an individual and everyone else has his/her own way of thinking, feeling and acting. You need to understand that there will always be difficulties in your life, but being strong is a choice that is up to each one of us. You need to be strong because it is better than living life in fear.
The truth is that even though you are strong in difficult times, you will still be tempted to give up. However, you need to be strong enough to answer the call of God and follow Him through those difficult times.
10. “The tough man eats his troubles”
You have to learn not just from someone’s story, but from their life as well. That’s why a lot of people can make it through life because they don’t let anything stand in the way of their goals.
Principles you will learn from this book.
This book is full of great principles and frameworks that you can use in your life and business.
There are 5 main principles that you will learn from this book.
4 ways to evaluate a new idea
- Define the specific problem that you want to solve with your new idea.
- Identify all possible solutions to this problem.
- Evaluate each solution to see if it’s truly an effective solution or not.
- Choose the best solution and get it moving forward!
We need to be constantly questioning our ideas and challenging ourselves in order to improve.
By doing this, we push ourselves to be better. And by being better, we become bigger companies and are able to do more things and make a bigger impact.
10 commandments of possibility thinking
- Focus on what works.
- Evaluate your ideas daily.
- Take action (you won’t accomplish anything by thinking about doing it)
- Don’t get bogged down by “what ifs” or “shoulds”. Use the law of attraction to attract the right things into your life!
- Give yourself permission to be wrong or make mistakes. Be comfortable with this and you will grow as a person and a business owner!
- Be a passionate learner.
- Be optimistic and have hope.
- Understand that everything is temporary, even your successes! This way you can enjoy the journey, rather than being stuck on the end result and never truly enjoying what you have created.
- Be flexible and avoid being dogmatic in your thinking. This means being open to new ideas, even if they contradict what you once believed to be true or right!
- Love life. Have fun while you are doing what you love and being on a journey of discovery and growth! This will keep you going strong in the long run!
Who is this book for?
This book is full of great principles that can be used in your business and life at home.
If you want to be successful and grow your company in tough times, this book will teach you how to do it.
If you are a manager or business owner, this book will provide great principles you can use in your company.
If you want to do more with your life and have fun while doing it, this book will teach you how!
This book is for anyone who has a dream and wants to see it grow into something special.
It’s for those who have a desire to help others succeed and have the resources to do something about it.
It’s for those who want to change the world and make a difference.
What does the author do? Who is he?
The author, Robert H. Schuller, is an inspirational speaker who has conducted seminars for over 50 years. He started his own church when he was only 24. His goal was to use his message on changing lives and helping people realize their potential to change the world!
His message has always been about possibility thinking, and he shares these principles with you in this book.
He truly believes that everyone has the potential to be great and to change the world. He wants people to think about what they are doing and realize that they can do more than they think!
He wants people to realize their potential and achieve their full potential.
This book is all about possibility thinking, which is a very important skill for entrepreneurs to have and use every day!